World's End | North Shore, Oahu, Hawaii

Worlds End.jpg

a note from the artist

This was one of those times when I was really close to dying but was okay with it. Really okay. This place was so cool! I'm standing on lava rock before a lava tube that descended straight down into wide underwater cavern. If the water were calm it would take over a minute to dive in and surface in the ocean. Only, it wasn't calm. Huge swells heaved over the rim of the lava wall and flooded the plain. I raised my camera and braced myself each time. First, against the wave, then against the surge back out to sea and down into this hole. I waited almost a full year to be able to take this photo during the sweet spot between summer and winter. That evening was thrilling!

Edition of 50

About the prints: I print on a premium substrate that is unparalleled in depth and luminosity. The material refracts light in such a way that light travels laterally through the paper as well as reflects to the audience creating a brilliant effect that many mistake to be rear illumination. Each print is then face mounted to acrylic and sandwiched to a protective backing. The artwork is then framed or a recessed mount is added to the back to float on the wall. I offer Tabacchino and other handmade framing options. Available starting at 30” and as tall as 50” with custom sizes. Below are examples of a 36” edition in a variety of frames with and without liners. More arrangements are available. Liners are available in Black, White, Beige. See FRAMES in the menu above for more frames and liner options.